Is it safe to use insect repellent while I'm pregnant?

Is it safe to use insect repellent while I'm pregnant?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), insect repellents are considered safe during pregnancy when used as recommended. (See whether they're safe for breastfeeding moms.)
And they're an important part of protecting yourself from mosquito-borne viruses, especially when you're traveling to places where these illnesses are common. (See our articles on Zikadengue, and West Nile for more information and travel advisories.)
Products containing the active ingredients DEET, picaridin, or IR3535 offer safe and longer-lasting protection. Oil of lemon eucalyptus (para-menthane-diol) products are also safe but most don't last as long. Citronella products are safe but don't last as long.
(Permethrin is also a repellent but is not safe to use on skin. Permethrin products are for use on clothing, shoes, bed nets, and camping gear.)
Read product labels carefully to see how often to apply and be sure not to reapply more often than recommended. The percentage of DEET is an indicator of how long it will be effective – not of how well it will work. The higher the percentage, the less often you need to apply it – up to concentrations of 50 percent. (Concentrations higher than 50 percent won't give you any added protection.)
Follow these safety precautions when using insect repellents:
  • Apply repellents only to exposed skin or clothing, as directed on the product label. Never apply repellents under your clothing.
  • Never use repellents on cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
  • Don't apply repellents to your eyes or mouth. Apply sparingly around your ears. Don't spray repellent directly on your face. Spray it on your hands and then wipe them over your face.
  • Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin and clothing. Heavy application does not give you better or longer lasting protection.
  • After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water or bathe. This is extra important when you use repellents repeatedly in a day or on consecutive days.
  • If you get a rash or other reaction from a repellent, stop using it, wash with mild soap and water, and call a local poison control center for further guidance. If you go to a doctor, take the repellent with you.


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